Ideal Customer Icon

Ideal Customer

$ 199.00

Focusing your sales and marketing efforts on the customers most likely to purchase your product or service and remain loyal is a surefire way to enhance your ROI. Join Ashton to learn more about this Accelerator.

Outline of actions:

This Ideal Customer Accelerator allows you to develop clarity about where you want to take your business and which customers will help you get there.

Instead of trying to sell to anyone and every one, this accelerator will show you how you’ll be more successful when you focus your effort on those customers that are an ideal match with you, your business and your products and services.

What You’ll Take Away:

You’ve got a great product or service already, but knowing your ideal customer is critical for all businesses. You’ll move through 5 actions in 5 days to hyper-focus your marketing strategies.

Our expert Ashton Bishop will help you understand what resonates with your ideal customer and how to best appeal to them, ensuring you meet your business goals.

Who Will Benefit:

  • Any business starting to develop a marketing plan.
  • Any sales leader looking to set the team in the right direction.
  • Any business reviewing their strategy.
  • A start-up business deciding where to get started.