Aston Bishop smiling

You win or you learn – Ashton Bishop

One of my favourite quotes is from Nelson Mandela.

I never lose. I either win, or I learn.

All strategy and success arise out of context, and we haven’t seen a context like this before where things are moving as fast and are as volatile. It is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous.

We must keep that in mind and experiment, learn, refine, and repeat.

At the centre of this is action.

Gone are the days of sitting at HQ, commanding and controlling your team. To progress our businesses and teams forward in this context, we need to hold the space as leaders by putting the authority as close to the information as possible and laddering back up what we learn.

It’s not about drowning yourself or your team in information and commands. Instead, it’s essential to gain only the right amount of information at the right time to take action to progress forward.

Information is a barrier to action.

You can’t bore customers’ teams into action. You need to distil exactly what you need to take the next step, one by one.

You win, or you learn, and then you take action to progress.

Our Business Accelerators prioritise taking action. Bring this philosophy to your business and explore the solutions we offer.